how to say goodbye in swiss german

A lovely question!

In Swiss German (also known as Alemannic or Schweizerdeutsch), there are several ways to say goodbye, depending on the region and the time of day. Here are a few common ones:

General goodbyes:

  • "Adieu" (AH-dee-oo) – formal, used in most Swiss German dialects
  • "Tschüss" (CHOO-iss) – informal, used in many Swiss German dialects
  • "Auf Wiederluege" (OW-fee-DAH-leh-guh) – formal, used in some Swiss German dialects (literally "until we see each other again")

Regional variations:

  • In Zurich and surrounding areas: "Tschüss" (CHOO-iss) or "Adieu" (AH-dee-oo)
  • In Bern and surrounding areas: "Adieu" (AH-dee-oo) or "Auf Wiederluege" (OW-fee-DAH-leh-guh)
  • In Basel and surrounding areas: "Tschüss" (CHOO-iss) or "Bis zum nämmale" (BIS zoom NAY-mah-leh) (literally "until next time")

Goodbyes for specific times of day:

  • "Guet Nacht" (GWET NAHK-t) – goodnight (used in the evening or at bedtime)
  • "Guet Tag" (GWET TAHG) – goodbye (used during the day)

Keep in mind that Swiss German is a diverse language with many regional variations, so the goodbyes may differ depending on where you are in Switzerland. However, "Adieu" and "Tschüss" are generally understood and used throughout the country.

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