how to say do you speak english in swiss german
In Swiss German, you can ask “Do you speak English?” by saying:
* “Redsch Änglisch?” (REH-tch AHN-glish) – This is a more informal way of asking.
* “Chönd si Änglisch?” (KHOONT zee AHN-glish) – This is a more formal way of asking.
Note that Swiss German is a dialect and not a standardized language, so the pronunciation and vocabulary may vary depending on the region and speaker.
Here are some other phrases that might be helpful:
* “Ich rede kein Deutsch” (ICH REH-deh KAYN DOY-ch) – “I don’t speak German”
* “Ich rede nur Änglisch” (ICH REH-deh NOOR AHN-glish) – “I only speak English”
* “Könnted si mir hälfe?” (KOON-ted zee MEER HEL-fuh) – “Can you help me?”