how to make swiss flag in minecraft

A fun task!

To make a Swiss flag in Minecraft, you’ll need to use the game’s block placement mechanics and some basic materials. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Materials needed:

  • Red wool (or red concrete)
  • White wool (or white concrete)


  1. Find a suitable location to build your flag. You can build it on the ground or on a wall.
  2. Start by creating a square shape with a 3×3 block size. You can use any block material for the base, but make sure it’s flat.
  3. Place a layer of white wool (or white concrete) on top of the base, covering the entire 3×3 area.
  4. In the center of the white layer, place a single block of red wool (or red concrete). This will be the cross shape.
  5. Place two more blocks of red wool (or red concrete) on either side of the center block, creating the horizontal part of the cross.
  6. Add two more blocks of red wool (or red concrete) above and below the center block, creating the vertical part of the cross.
  7. Your Swiss flag is now complete!


  • Make sure to use the same material for the entire flag to maintain a consistent look.
  • If you want a more authentic look, you can use a 5×5 or 7×7 block size to create a larger flag.
  • You can also add some finishing touches, like a border or a pole, to make your flag look more realistic.

That’s it! Your Minecraft Swiss flag is now proudly waving in the blocky world.

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