how much is a swiss franc worth in us dollars
The exchange rate between the Swiss Franc (CHF) and the US Dollar (USD) can fluctuate constantly due to market conditions. I’ll give you an approximate conversion rate as of my knowledge cutoff date (which may not be up-to-date), but for the most accurate and current rate, I recommend checking a reliable currency exchange website or service, such as or Bloomberg.
As of my knowledge cutoff date, the approximate exchange rate is:
1 Swiss Franc (CHF) ≈ 1.07 US Dollars (USD)
So, if you have 100 Swiss Francs, it would be equivalent to approximately 107 US Dollars.
Keep in mind that currency exchange rates can change rapidly, so it’s always a good idea to check the current rate before making any conversions or transactions.
Would you like me to suggest some reliable sources for checking current exchange rates?