how do you say good morning in swiss german
In Swiss German, you can say “good morning” as:
* “Guete Morge” (formal)
* “Guete Morgä” (informal, in some regions)
* “Morge” (very informal, with friends)
In different regions of Switzerland, the dialects may vary slightly, but “Guete Morge” is a widely accepted and used phrase.
Here’s a rough breakdown of the regional variations:
* In the Zurich region: “Guete Morge”
* In the Bern region: “Guete Morgä”
* In the Basel region: “Guete Morge” or simply “Morge”
Keep in mind that Swiss German is a collection of dialects, and the pronunciation and vocabulary may differ from one region to another. But “Guete Morge” is a good starting point, and you’ll likely be understood and appreciated for your effort to speak in the local language!