how to say good morning in swiss

In Switzerland, there are four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Here’s how to say "good morning" in each of them:

  1. German (Swiss German): "Guete Morge" (pronounced "goo-eh-teh mor-geh") or "Guten Morgen" (pronounced "goo-ten mor-gen") (more formal)
  2. French (Swiss French): "Bonjour" (pronounced "bone-JOOR") or "Bonne matinée" (pronounced "bown mah-tee-NAY") (more formal)
  3. Italian (Swiss Italian): "Buongiorno" (pronounced "BWOHN-jhor-noh")
  4. Romansh: "Bun di" (pronounced "BOON dee")

So, depending on the region you’re in, you can use the corresponding phrase to greet someone with a "good morning" in Switzerland!

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